How Does Sponge Filter Work To Remove Impurities From The Aquarium?


Sometimes people overlook fish tank filter sponges and choose other complex systems like fancy UV fish tank sterilizers, which don’t always work better than simple sponges. Although they’ve been there for a long time, only a few people know what they do and how they work.

However, a sponge filter is a value-for-money object. It has a perfect, high-quality to price ratio. 

A filter sponge is a source for mechanical filtration – this is where the filter separates and removes solids and waste. And after developing grown bacteria colonies, it also offers biological filtration – the good bacteria to remove contamination and purify water. Although they have often been seen as the best filter for using at the beginner level, it isn’t the case as many pros are there to use them.

The filter process begins with a powered sponge filter air pump to make suction to enforce water through the sponge to get the solid waste and ammonia from the tank. As the fish waste also releases ammonia, it is harmful even in small amounts for plants and fish. With its good ammonia, the filter sponge eats bacteria and breaks down ammonia into nitrites, breaking down nitrite into nitrates.


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